None of the props or dolls in this dollmaker or any dollmaker owned by Destany's Fantasy may be redistributed individually. All props are owned by this website and are not
to be used in other dollmakers or the palace, or offered up as doll making tools on any other website.
This is a start:) I'm sure I'll add more later...
- If the images come up broken, refresh the page, it won't take as long the second time, or if it's just a few, right click and select "show picture".
- If the items won't move when you click them, right click on one and select "properties", then click cancel. I don't know why this works but it does.
Destany's Fantasy
Last updated May, 2002
non copyright works remain free to the public for use of but not restricted to print materials,
internet usage, etc. However, all
works remain the soul property of the artist as well as all creative
rights and may not be plagerized or used for profit.